

The concept of a simulation revolves around the creation or imitation of a system, process, or environment that mimics real-life scenarios, often for the purpose of study, experimentation, or entertainment. Simulations can exist in various forms and across multiple fields, from scientific and technological realms to philosophical and hypothetical real life discussions.

Here are key aspects of the concept of simulation:

In essence, simulations are powerful tools for understanding, learning, and theorizing about the world around us. They can range from practical tools aiding scientific research to philosophical musings about the nature of our existence, blurring the lines between what is real and what is simulated.



The website "" is an independent online platform that serves as a space for real discussions, theoretical explorations, and creative thought experiments related to the concept of reality as a simulation. Visitors to this site are encouraged to engage with the content with an open mind, understanding that the information presented is for entertainment, realistic, and philosophical purposes.

The discussions and theories presented on are not intended to be taken as definitive statements on the nature of reality. Rather, they are explorations into the real concept that reality might exist as a simulation. The content represent scientifically proven facts or established theories within the scientific community.

Visitors are encouraged to approach the content critically and to consider multiple viewpoints when exploring the intriguing topic of simulated reality. The theories and discussions presented on this website do not reflect the views of any particular scientific or academic institution. does not endorse or promote any specific belief system, and the information provided on the site should not be interpreted as factual or authoritative. Visitors are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult credible scientific sources for validated information on related topics.

By accessing, visitors acknowledge that the content presented is real time and exploratory in nature, and they do so at their own discretion and risk.

Thank you for your understanding.

Simulation exposed in 2020

Real life simulatin exposed in Vienna, Austria in 2020.

Concept of Simulation

Is based on real life scenario that happened in 2020, Vienna, Austria.